Young Adult/Middle Grade/Children

This is for all young adult, middle grade or childrens books. Please list your sub-genre (paranormal, dystopian, romance, etc.) if it applies, particularly for YA.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lindsay Paige
    YA Romance
    No scifi, horror, thriller, suspense, religious.
    lindsaypaige at ymail dot com

  3. Samantha Gudger
    Contemporary YA
    No scifi, horror or thriller
    samantha at gudger dot org

  4. Marla Buttars
    YA Fantasy-Urban
    No erotica, no horror
    m.r.buttarsbooks AT gmail DOT com


You MUST put the following information in your comment:

1. Full author name
2. Specific genre of manuscript you want to have edited, including any sub-genre
3. What types of manuscripts you'll read, or won't read (ex. no erotica, no religious, only want to exchange with same/similar genre, will exchange with any, etc.)
4. Either your email (please write as "me at gmail dot com" to avoid spammers picking you up), or a web site where there is contact info for you

Any comments without this info will be deleted. When you've formed a group and wish to be removed, please email me at the link above and I will remove your info.

The exception to these rules is if you are leaving a comment on the home page that is not about your information.